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Brushtail Administrator's Guide

Group Permissions

Group permissions

Permissions may also be managed via groups.

Only the administrator user can make changes to group permissions.

Click on the link "Intranet Administration".


Click on "Permissions - Groups"

Then click on the name of the group in the "Groups" list.

The Permissions page will display a list of modules (main menu items). The group can be given permissions for each module.

There are four possible permissions

Read - The module will be listed in the main navigation menu.
Power user - See section below.
Edit - The module will be listed in the Content Management menu.

Content Management


If a user has edit permissions for one or more modules, then a"Content Management" link will be displayed.


Clicking on this will lead to the "Content Management" menu. It is through this menu that users ( with edit permissions) can manage intranet content.

Power users

Power user status gives a user additional capabilities in certain parts of the intranet.

A power user is able to add, edit and delete event bookings if the calendar allows bookings. Read permissions only allow the ability to read bookings.

Content module
A power user is able to post, edit and delete to a noticeboard page. Read permissions only allow the ability to read the noticeboard. Power users can also post comments on content pages.

A power user is able to add, edit and delete documents from document archive. Read permissions only allow the ability to browse and search documents.

A power user is able to add, edit and delete items from the inventory. Read permissions only allow the ability to browse and search the inventory.

PC Bookings
Read - User may only view pc bookings sheet.
Power user - User may add and edit to pc bookings sheet.
Edit - May add computers, booking types, change branch hours. Some booking types may be only available to power users.

Request tracking
A power user is able to view, search, add, edit and delete from the request archive. Read permissions will only give the user a form for submitting requests and or searching requests. This is edited through content management under "helpdesk options".

Rooms & Equipment Bookings
A power user is able to add, edit and delete bookings. Read permissions give only the ability to view bookings.

Staff calendar
A power user is able to edit staff availability for any given day. Read permissions only allow the ability to read the calendar. Edit permissions are needed to edit the weekly templates.

Power users can post comments on wiki pages.

IP Access

For any user or group you can restrict access to an intranet module by IP address or network address. If a network address is specified, users can only access from that network address. If user has multiple ip restrictions to a module, due to group memberships, then any of those restictions if not met will block access. Network addresses should be entered without the training zeros.

Examples: should be entered as 192.168.2 should be enterred as 10.10

This feature is for manageing intranet users. For more information about security see the "Security" page of this manual.

How permissions work

A user will only see listed in the main navigation menu items (modules) for which that user has at least read permissions to view. This includes the administrator, who must give her/himself permissions to see the full main menu. When a user does a keyword search on the intranet, it will only search modules that the user has permissions to view. Permissions may be granted on an individual basis. They can also be granted via a group. A user may be a member of multiple groups.

Permissions are additive, the permissions for a user is the sum total of individual and group permissions. Higher permissions will override lower permissions. For example, if a user has no permissions for a module at the user level but has read permissions via membership of a group, then that user will have read permission.

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